
Bakersfield & Fresno Ranked as Worst Air in the Country by American Lung Association

Residents of California’s central valley have long known that our air isn’t exactly the best, but few may have expected the recent results of a nationwide head-to-head competition from the American Lung Association. The Bakersfield and Fresno areas were ranked among the worst in the country in air quality, finishing numbers one and two in terms of both short-term and year-round particle pollution, and then third (Bakersfield) and fourth (Fresno) in ozone pollution. In other words, these two areas consistently tested with the worst air quality across the board. For those who struggle with things like allergies, asthma, or just a generally-sensitive respiratory system, those are not good things to hear.

When the air outside is so incredibly poor all year long, with little to no reprieve, it makes the air you breathe inside your home that much more important. With outside air quality so poor, it’s not uncommon for the air inside your home to be just as bad and even worse in many cases. All of that means some potentially serious health complications and problems.

Take Control With an Indoor Air Quality Solution

While keeping your home clean and regularly changing your air filter are both important and shouldn’t be underestimated, those who need some extra help improving their indoor air could benefit greatly from an air purification and filtration system installed in their HVAC equipment.

There are many types of air purifiers and filtration options on the market, with a wide variety of uses. For instance, some are built specifically for things like bacteria or ozone to truly target those niche problems. Choosing the right one may seem difficult, but a seasoned air quality professional can run tests to figure out your biggest issues and then offer you helpful, educated advice on the best solutions.

Air Filters

Air filtration systems offer added screening and straining of the air that’s pulled into your HVAC system, ensuring that it’s free from microbes, dust, and other airborne issues. These are usually the simplest systems you can find—they’re easy to maintain, easy to install, and often don’t require any additional energy. However, you likely will have to change filtration media periodically, and that may involve having to buy new filters.

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers also work to remove debris like dust and ozone pollution from the air, but do so with an entirely different principle. There are several different purification technologies on the market—some use energy and static charges to attract particles, while others use chemical substances to make dust and debris “clump” together. This makes them easier to eliminate from the air. Other air purifiers work to eliminate gasses and other substances from your air, like ozone, smoke odors, and much more. These systems vary in cost, and may require additional energy, but may be the perfect solution you’ve been looking for to eliminate your indoor air quality problems.

At Quality Home Services, we’re proud to offer air purification solutions, ensuring you receive a product that works great, lasts for years, and provides you with the easily-breathable air you may have forgotten was possible.

Learn more about installing one of these systems in your home by calling the air filtration experts at Quality Home Services at (800) 985-8103 today.